To monitor your store's KPIs, and asses how well Dialogue is helping you reach your business goals, start with these 2 steps:
When you're ready to dive in, go to the Statistics Dashboard and let's have a look together:
Asset Loads, Views & Clicks
In this case, Dialogue assets loaded 232K times, and ~55K users saw it, not bad at all! Even better than that, 23K users clicked on Dialogue assets, and were redirected to a product, collection or content of your store.
AOV + AOV Beta
In this case, your store's customers' AOV is $92 when they do not interact with a Dialogue asset and grows to $99 when they do.
Looking into the AOV Beta Metric, when your customers interact with dialogue cart, mini-cart or checkout assets & carousels from across your website - your customer's AOV grows substantially!
Engagement Metrics
Experience indicates that customer engagement leads to growth - and many of Dialogue's assets are designed to do just that - increase engagement! And indeed we see that Average page views is doubled for customers engaging with Dialogue assets and they make longer sessions as well X3.