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Test Website Elements With ABcommerce

Ready to optimize your on-site engagement and personalization methods? Here's how to create effective AB tests using ABcommerce Website CMS

Updated over 4 months ago

Start your first AB test with ABcommerce

Track Clicks ✨ Edit, Hide & Reposition Elements ✨ Redirect Elements' Traffic

Instant ABcommerce integration ✨ Supported through Chrome

Multi variants testing | Enhanced segmentation capabilities

Expanded design elements testing | Dedicated support

Seamless integration with Google Analytics | GA4 reporting

πŸ“² Learn how to install Dialogue's ABcommerce Chrome extension.

A. Open ABcommerce extension on your website.

⚑️Log in to your Dialogue Dashboard to use ABcommerce

B. What can be tested?

Editing Elements

Redirect traffic from elements, edit the button's text or design.

Advanced options include: Editing Class Names, using Element Selector, Custom CSS & HTML Editor.

Hiding Elements (show/no-show)

Reposition Elements

C. Traffic & Metrics Settings

Split traffic between variants. Choose the winning metric for your test, such as Average Order Value (AOV) or Revenue. Set the end date for your test.

D. Adding Personalization

By Device Type

Select the target audience for your test by adding and removing mobile, desktop and tablet users.

By Target Audience

Optionally, test personalization success by specifying a campaign UTM parameter, examining performance of new visitors or returning visitors, redirect to/from a specific page path or query and so much more!

πŸ’‘ Tip: Name your variant and add notes to keep track of testing motivations and reasoning.

Launch Your Test πŸŽ‰

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