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Custom-Made Shoppable Stories

Displaying rich media & engaging videos, providing your shoppers with an immersive experience similar to scrolling through social media.

Updated over 10 months ago

Mobile View Shoppable Stories

Post Style Shoppable Stories

Reels Style Shoppable Stories

Desktop View Shoppable Stories

Post Style Shoppable Stories

Reels Style Shoppable Stories

Custom-Made Shoppable Stories

  • A mobile must-have!

  • A Dialogue Shoppable Stories asset

  • Allows complete control over your asset display: the images, videos, text, link to SKU or URL, and many other customizations.

  • Compatible with your brand's identity, or made to appear more Instagram-like.

  • Highlights a single story or several stories.

  • Easy integration to your Instagram and Tiktok.

Use Case

Displaying rich media & engaging videos, providing your shoppers with an immersive experience similar to scrolling through social media.

Recommended Locations

  • Homepage & Collection pages mobile view with small circles

  • Homepage & Collection pages desktop view with large blocks

Creating An Engaging Custom-Made Shoppable Story

1. Create A New Custom-Made Shoppable Story Manually

From Dialogue's Dashboard left side panel click on Assets > Create > Shoppable Stories >

Choose Manual Stories AI > Choose a location for your asset > Name your asset > Click Create 🎉

Hurray! 🚀 You've just created your first Custom-Made Shoppable Story asset!

Now let's add some content to it!

2. Adding Highlights To Your Story Asset

Content Editor tab > Add Highlight > Input SKU/URL > Save 👌

From The Content Editor You can control:

  • How many Highlights appear in your Story.

  • How many slides appear in each Highlight.

  • The Headlines of the Story & Highlights, as well as all their images.

    To begin, simply look for your products by name or SKU or paste a product's URL to add them to a highlight. Keep adding Highlights until you complete your story.

Pasting a URL that isn't a store product means you'll need to manually add media to the slide by clicking the image placeholder, and insert text to the text field

Design & Brand Compatibility

Design tab > Choose Layout template > > Customize 👏

Choose from a variety of templates until you find one that suits your needs

Here is where the real customization happens! And the level of detail is up to you 😃

Your brand's colors and fonts are automatically drawn from your store, but you can change and customize them, and even further adjust text size and color, background color, assign button functionalities, image fill/fit and so much more!


To get the Instagram look & feel:

  • Choose the classic template (Small Circles)

  • For the Highlights Border use these hexes: #F7BA4D + #9632BE

Customization layers: For dev teams we have more customization through the CSS Editor.

Segmentation, Rules & Messaging

Most important! Add the Dialogue special seasoning😏: Segmentation, Rules & Messaging for hyper focused personalization. Not sure how it's done? To best utilize Dialogue's assets, create segments and determine which audience sees what version of your bundle asset. Learn How to become a (1-click) segmentation hero.

Remember to assign all the highlights to the relevant segments by toggling on/off.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to send us a message below :)

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