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Setting Asset Rules

Asset rules allow to control which products are displayed in the asset

Updated over 2 years ago

Dialogue's rules are a way to add a layer of conditions to the assets.

As a reminder, Dialogue's automatic assets are based on a personalization algorithm, meaning that you don't have to add rules to an asset for it to work and show personalized recommendations. With that said, rules are a great way to control in a more specific way what the asset will show.
Dialogue rules are built to help you recommend the best products at every user touch point. You can set your own rules or choose one of our ready-made ones, whether it's a popular item or one that has high margins and low competition--whatever suits YOU!


To add rules click on "Assets" > "My Assets", then hover on the relevant asset and click on the "edit" button to go into the editor.

In the editor, click on the 'segments' tab

Go to "Product Rules"

Now you can choose whether you want to use one of Dialogue's ready-made rules or build your own rule.

In order to customize your own rule click on "Create Custom Rule".


Now, you will be able to add your own rules to the Asset.

An Example:

If you would like to show price based recommendations simply click on "Price"

Now you can choose the condition of your desired rule

And finally, choose the "Value". For example, here we chose the asset to show only items whose price is higher than the price of the items in the cart.

After choosing your rules, you'll be able to see your new rule at the bottom of the tab as shown below. If you want to delete a rule, simply click on the trash icon.

Make sure after any changes to click the "Save" button.

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