To access the “Assets Management” page, click on Assets->My Assets. On this page you will see an overview of all your assets and manage them.
• On the right side of each asset, you will see its status. "Live" means the asset is showing in your store, in opposed to "Inactive".
• You can change the asset's status, and reveal more options by hovering with your mouse on each asset. On the right side of each asset, you will see a toggle switch. Simply click on it in order to activate/deactivate the asset. You can also activate all of your assets at once by clicking "Launch All" at the bottom of the assets list, or "Deactivate All" to make them inactive.
Next to the toggle switch, you can find more options:
• “Edit” - Clicking on this icon will direct you to the “Asset creator” screen where you can edit all the asset's elements.
• “Change Location” - Clicking on this icon will redirect you to the "Position" tab inside the Editor. There, you can change the asset's position in the page.
• “Duplicate” - Clicking on this icon will make a copy of the asset, which can be used to make minor changes.
• “Delete” - Clicking on this icon will permanently delete your asset.