The Dialogue interface is designed to be intuitive and user friendly and the homepage is no different. Let's go through the sections:
Homepage | Left Side Panel
On the left you have the side-panel tabs, to interact with Dialogue's functions and features. Create new assets, or view existing, browse or refresh your product feed, Run AB testing on Dialogue assets or test any element of your website, manage your gallery & view statistics.
Homepage | Key Metrics
View your store's main indicators: direct sales, direct transactions, Dialogue conversion rate, session duration and others as they grow and help your business to flourish.
New to Dialogue? those indicators may still be very low, but soon enough, the more you give Dialogue's AI the time to analyze your customers' behavior, the more those indicators will increase.
Click on View all statistics to browse through and add indicators. Learn more about indicators.
Homepage | My Assets table
Scroll through an overview of your asset's performance, their names, location, status, and type. Click on the table's headers to shift view priority by direct sales, CVR, CTR, clicks, views, or loads.
Homepage | Ready-To-Use Assets
Equip your store with the entire collection of our ready-to-use Best Practices assets.
These assets were curated by Dialogue's eCommerce experts, and are proven to help boost conversion rates and AOV in just one click.
With Dialogue's personalized asset Collection right on your dashboard, you can easily create the best assets to suit your store.
Add Asset
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Homepage | Learn how to use Dialogue
Become a Dialogue Asset Master by learning about Dialogue assets and features.
Homepage | Chat Box
Looking to have a Dialogue with us? We're all ears! Send us a message and we'll reply ASAP! You can also Browse through our Knowledge Center to view tutorials and instructional articles.