Use a spotlight banner banner that dynamically updates based on the shopper’s search term. This banner can display rich media content, such as videos, GIFs, or lifestyle images, related to the search query. For example, a search for “jackets” could display a video of a model wearing various styles.
Dialogue Asset Used: SmartBanner with Toggle for Rich Media
Rule used: “prefer rich media"
Problem Solved: Engages customers visually while maintaining search term relevance.
Suggestions for Application
Use seasonal visuals for fashion or holiday-related searches.
Include call-to-action buttons like “Shop Now” or “Explore Collection.”
Position: Integrated within the search grid, preferably above the fold.
Complementary Experiences: Best sellers carousel for additional engagement.
Tip: Maintain media relevance by constantly tagging your social media content within Dialogue's Gallery.
Benefits: Boosts engagement with visually appealing content tailored to the search term.